Tuesday 11 October 2016

Chapter 13 Computer Programs and Programming Languages

  • Differentiate between machine and assembly languages
  • Identify and discuss the purpose of procedural programming languages, and describe the features of C and COBOL
  • Identify and discuss the characteristics of these object‐oriented programming languages and program development tools
  • Identify the uses of other programming languages and program development tools
  • Describe various ways to develop Web pages
  • Identify the uses of popular multimedia authoring programs
  • List the six steps in the program development life cycle
  • Differentiate between structured design and object‐oriented design
  • Explain the basic control structures and design tools used in designing solutions to programming problems
Computer Programs and Programming Languages
  • A computer program is a series of instructions that directs a computer to perform tasks
  • Created by a programmer using a programming language

Low‐Level Languages
  • Machine language is the first generation of programming languages
  • Only language the computer directly recognizes
  • Assembly language is the second generation of programming languages
  • Programmer writes instructions using  symbolic instruction codes
  • A source program contains the code to be converted to machine language
Procedural Languages
  • In a procedural language, the programmer writes instructions that tell the computer what to accomplish and how to do it
  • Third-generation language (3GL)
  • A compiler translates an entire program before executing it
  • An interpreter converts and executes one code statement at a time
  • The C programming language is used to write many of today’s programs
  • COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language) is designed for business applications, but easy to read because of the English-like statements
Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Program Development Tools
  • An object-oriented programming (OOP) language allows programmers the ability to reuse and modify existing objects
  • Other advantages include:objects can be reused, programmers create applications faster, work well in a RAD environment, most program development tools are IDEs
  • Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems
  • The Just-in-time (JIT) compiler converts the bytecode into machine-dependent code
  • The Microsoft .NET Framework allows almost any type of program to run on the Internet or an internal business network, as well as computers and mobile devices
  • Features include:CLR (Common Language Runtime) and Classes
  • C++ is an extension of the C programming language
  • C# is based on C++ and was developed by Microsoft
  • F# combines the benefits of an object-oriented language with those of a functional language
  • Visual Studio is Microsoft’s suite of program development tools:-[Visual Basic is based on the BASIC programming language, Visual C++ is based on C++, Visual C# combines the programming elements of C++ with an easier, rapid-development environment]
  • A visual programming language is a language that uses a visual or graphical interface for creating all source code
  • Borland’s Delphi is a powerful program development tool that is ideal for building large-scale enterprise and Web applications in a RAD environment
  • PowerBuilder is a powerful program development RAD tool
  • Best suited for Web-based, .NET, and large-scale enterprise object-oriented applications
Other Programming Languages and Development Tools
  • generation language) is a nonprocedural language that enables users and programmers to access data in a database
  • One popular 4GL is SQL
  • Classic programming languages include:-[Ada, ALGOL, APL, BASIC, Forth, FORTRAN, HperTalk, LISP, Logo, Modula-2, Pascal, PILOT, PL/1,Prolog, RPG, Smalltalk]
  • An application generator is a program that creates source code or machine code from a specification of the required functionality
  • Often bundled as part of a DBMS
  • A macro is a series of statements that instructs an application how to complete a task
  • You usually create the macro in one of two ways:-[Record the macro with a macro recorder, Write the macro]
Web Page Development
  • HTML is a special formatting language that programmers use to format documents for display on the Web
  • XHTML is a markup language that allows Web sites to be displayed more easily on mobile devices
  • XML allows Web developers to create customized tags and use predefined tags to display content appropriately on various devices
  • WML is a subset of XML and is used to design pages for microbrowsers
  • Two applications of XML are RSS 2.0 and ATOM
  • Web browsers can execute short programs to add interactive elements to Web pages
  • To send and receive information between your computer and a Web server, these programs use the CGI (common gateway interface)
  • Programmers write scripts, applets, servlets, or ActiveX controls using a variety of languages:-[JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Rexx, Tcl, VBScript]
  • Dynamic HTML  (DHTML) allows Web developers to include more graphical interest and interactivity
  • Cascading style sheets (CSS) contain the formats for how a particular object should be displayed
  • Ruby on Rails (RoR) provides technologies for developing object-oriented, database-driven Web sites
  • Web 2.0 allows Web sites to provide a means for users to:-[Share personal information, Allow users to modify Web site content, Have application software built into the site]
  • Most Web 2.0 sites use APIs
  • An API enables programmers to interact with an environment such as a Web site or operating system
  • Web page authoring software can create sophisticated Web pages that include images, video, audio, animation, and other effects[Dreamweaver, Expression Web, Flash, SharePoint Designer]
Multimedia Program Development
  • Multimedia authoring software allows programmers to combine text, graphics, animation, audio, and video in an interactive presentation ToolBook, Director
  • Program development consists of a series of steps programmers use to build computer programs
Step 1 – Analyze Requirements
  • To initiate program development, programmer:
  • Reviews the requirements
  • Meets with the systems analyst and users
  • Identifies input, processing, and output
Step 2 – Design Solution
  • Design a solution algorithm
  • In structured design, the programmer typically begins with a general design and moves toward a more detailed design
  • Programmers use a hierarchy chart to show program modules graphically
  • With object-oriented (OO) design, the programmer packages the data and the program into a single object-Encapsulation
  • The sequence control structure shows one or more actions following each other in order
  • The selection control structure tells the program which action to take, based on a certain condition
  • The repetition control structure enables a program to perform one or more actions repeatedly as long as a certain condition is met
  • A program flowchart graphically shows the logic in a solution algorithm
  • Flowcharting software makes it easy to modify and update flowcharts
  • Pseudocode uses a condensed form of English to convey program logic
  • UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been adopted as a standard notation for object modeling and development
Step 3 – Validate Design
  • Check for logic errors using test data. First,Develop various sets of test data. Than, Determine the expected result. After that, Step through the algorithm. Moreover, Compare the results. Lastly, Repeat steps for each set of test data
Step 4 – Implement Design
  • Implementation of the design includes using a program development tool that assists the programmer by:-[Generating or providing some or all code, Writing the code that translates the design into a computer program, Creating the user interface]
  • Extreme programming is a strategy where programmers immediately begin coding and testing solutions as soon as requirements are defined
Step 5 – Test Solution
  • The goal of program testing is to ensure the program runs correctly and is error free
  • Errors include syntax errors and logic errors
  • Debugging the program involves removing the bugs
  • A beta is a program that has most or all of its features and functionality implemented
Step 6 – Document Solution
  • In documenting the solution, the programmer performs two activities:-[Review the program code, Review all the documentation]
Chapter 12 Exploring Information System Development

Ongoing Activities
  • Planning
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Operation, Support, and Security
Example for Planning
  1. Select team- required staff
  2. Resources
  3. Expectation/ Request from user
Example for Analysis
  1. Study of car park system available
  2. User requirement/ Priority
Example for Design
  1. Design layout, Features, software used(GUI)
Example for Implementation
  1. Build car park system
  2. User training
  3. Testing the system
Example for Operation, Support, and Security
  1. Maintenance- based on schedule
  2. Check Security
  3. Monitor Performance- daily activitie

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Chapter 11 Manage Computing Securely, Safely and Ethically

  • Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the types of cybercrime perpetrators
  • Describe various types of Internet and network attacks, and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks
  • Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use
  • Identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism
  • Explain the ways software manufacturers protect against software piracy
  • Discuss how encryption works, and explain why it is necessary
  • Discuss the types of devices available that protect computers from system failure
  • Explain the options available for backing up computer resources
  • Identify risks and safeguards associated with wireless communications
  • Recognize issues related to information accuracy, intellectual property rights, codes of conduct, and green computing
  • Discuss issues surrounding information privacy
Computer Security Risks
  • A computer security risk is any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing capability
  • A cybercrime is an online or Internet-based illegal act
  1. Hackers 
  2. Crackers
  3. Script Kiddies
  4. Corporate Spies
  5. nethical Employees
  6. Cyberextortionists
  7. Cyberterrorists
Internet and Network Attacks
  • Information transmitted over networks has a higher degree of security risk than information kept on an organization’s premises
  • An online security service is a Web site that evaluates your computer to check for Internet and e-mail vulnerabilities
  • Computer Virus-Affects a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works
  • Worm-Copies itself repeatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network
  • Trojan Horse-A malicious program that hides within or looks like a legitimate program
  • Rootkit-Program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control
  • Users can take several precautions to protect their home and work computers and mobile devices from these malicious infections
  • A botnet is a group of compromised computers connected to a network
  • A denial of service attack (DoS attack) disrupts computer access to Internet services
  • A back door is a program or set of instructions in a program that allow users to bypass security controls
  • Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make their network or Internet transmission appear legitimate
  • A firewall is hardware and/or software that protects a network’s resources from intrusion
  • Intrusion detection software-Analyzes all network traffic, Assesses system vulnerabilities, Identifies any unauthorized intrusions, Notifies network administrators of suspicious behavior patterns or system breaches
  • Honeypot-Vulnerable computer that is set up to entice an intruder to break into it
Unauthorized Access and Use
  • Organizations take several measures to help prevent unauthorized access and use-Acceptable use policy, Disable file and printer sharing, Firewalls, Intrusion detection software
  • Access controls define who can access a computer, when they can access it, and what actions they can take-Two-phase processes called identification and authentication, User name, Password, Passphrase, CAPTCHA
  • A possessed object is any item that you must carry to gain access to a computer or computer facility-Often are used in combination with a personal identification number (PIN)
  • A biometric device authenticates a person’s identity by translating a personal characteristic into a digital code that is compared with a digital code in a computer
  • Digital forensics is the discovery, collection, and analysis of evidence found on computers and networks
  • Many areas use digital forensics-Law enforcement, Criminal prosecutors, Military intelligence, Insurance agencies, Information security departments
Hardware Theft and Vandalism
  • Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment
  • Hardware vandalism is the act of defacing or destroying computer equipment
  • To help reduce the of chances of theft, companies and schools use a variety of security measures-Physical access controls, Alarm systems, Cables to lock equipment, Real time location system, Passwords, possessed objects, and biometrics
Software Theft
  • Software theft occurs when someone:-Steals software media, Intentionally erases programs, Illegally copies a program, Illegally registers and/or activates a program
  • Permitted to Install the software on one computer, Make one copy of the software or Remove the software from your computer before giving it away or selling it
  • Not permitted to Install the software on a network, Give copies to friends or colleagues while continuing to use the software, Export the software, Rent or lease the software
  • Copying, loaning, borrowing, renting, or distributing software can be a violation of copyright law
  • Some software requires product activation to function fully
Information Theft
  • Information theft occurs when someone steals personal or confidential information
  • Encryption is a process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access
  • A digital signature is an encrypted code that a person, Web site, or organization attaches to an electronic message to verify the identity of the sender Often used to ensure that an impostor is not participating in an Internet transaction
  • Web browsers and Web sites use encryption techniques
  • Popular security techniques include Digital Certificates, Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure HTTP, VPN
System Failure
  • A system failure is the prolonged malfunction of a computer
  • A variety of factors can lead to system failure, including Aging hardware, Natural disasters, Electrical power problems, Errors in computer programs
  • Two ways to protect from system failures caused by electrical power variations include surge protectors and uninterruptable power supplies (UPS)
  • A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or disk that can be used if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed To back up a file means to make a copy of it
  • Offsite backups are stored in a location separate from the computer site
  • Two categories of backups: Full backup, Selective backup

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Chapter 10 Managing  Database

  • Define the term, database, and explain how a database interacts with data and information
  • Define the term, data integrity, and describe the qualities of valuable information
  • Discuss the terms character, field, record, and file
  • Describe file maintenance techniques and validation techniques
  • Differentiate between a file processing approach and the database approach
  • Discuss the functions common to most database management systems
  • Explain how to access Web databases
  • Describe characteristics of relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional databases
  • Identify database design guidelines and discuss the responsibilities of database analysts and administrators

Step of How a School's Admissions Department Might Process New Student Data into Information
  1. Admin take student picture
  2. Student data stored into database
  3. computer extract data-advisor name, schedule appointment, course taken
  4. comfirmation of advisiry appointment
  5. Admin give student ID with expired date
The Hierarchy of Data
  1. Character
  2. field
  3. records
  4. files
Common Data Type Include
  • Text
  • Numeric
  • AutoNumber
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Memo
File maintenance refers to the procedures that keep data currnt
  • Adding records
  • Modifying records
  • Deleting records
Validation compares data with a set of riles or values to find out of the data is correct
  • Alphabetic / Numeric Check
  • Range check
  • Consistency Check
  • Completeness Check
  • Check Digit
  • Other Check
Chapter 8 Types of Storage

  • Differentiate between storage devices and storage media
  • Describe the characteristics of an internal hard disk including capacity, platters, read/write heads, cylinders, sectors and tracks, revolutions per minute, transfer rate, and access time
  • Discuss the purpose of network attached storage devices, external and removable hard disks, and hard disk controllers
  • Describe the various types of flash memory storage
  • Describe cloud storage and explain its advantages
  • Describe the characteristics of optical discs
  • Differentiate among various types of optical discs: CDs, archive discs and Picture CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs
  • Identify the uses of tape, magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, microfilm and microfiche, and enterprise storage
  • Storage holds data, instructions, and information for future use
  • A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information
  • Capacity is the number of bytes a storage medium can hold
  • A storage device is the computer hardware that records and/or retrieves items to and from storage media
  • Reading is the process of transferring items from a storage medium into memory
  • Writing is the process of transferring items from memory to a storage medium
Hard Disks
  • A hard disk contains one or more inflexible, circular platters that use magnetic particles to store data, instructions, and information
  • Hard disks can store data using longitudinal recording or perpendicular recording
  • Characteristics of a hard disk include Capacity, Platters, Read /Write Heads, Cylinders, Sectors and Tracks, Revolutions per Minute, Transfer Rate, Access Time.
  • Formatting is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors so that the operating system can store and locate data and information on the disk
  • The hard disk arms move the read/write head, which reads items and writes items in the drive
  • A head crash occurs when a read/write head touches the surface of a platter
  • Always keep a backup of your hard disk
  • RAID (redundant array of independent disks) is a group of two or more integrated hard disks
  • A network attached storage (NAS) device is a server connected to a network with the sole purpose of providing storage
  • A disk controller consists of a special-purpose chip and electronic circuits that control the transfer of data, instructions, and information from a disk to and from the system bus and other components of the computer
Flash Memory Storage
  • Flash memory chips are a type of solid state media and contain no moving parts
  • Solid state drives (SSDs) have several advantages over magnetic hard disks :- Faster access time, Faster transfer rates, Generate less heat and consume less power, Last longer
  • USB flash drives plug into a USB port on a computer or mobile device
  • An ExpressCard module is a removable device that fits in an ExpressCard slot
  • Developed by the PCMCIA
  • Commonly used in notebook computers
Cloud Storage
  • Cloud storage is an Internet service that provides storage to computer users
  • Users subscribe to cloud storage for a variety of reasons:
  1. Access files from any computer
  2. Store large files instantaneously
  3. Allow others to access their files
  4. View time-critical data and images immediately
  5. Store offsite backups
  6. Provide data center functions
Optical Discs
  • An optical disc consists of a flat, round, portable disc made of metal, plastic, and lacquer that is written and read by a laser
  • Typically store software, data, digital photos, movies, and music
  • Read only vs. rewritable
  • Optical discs commonly store items in a single track that spirals from the center of the disc to the edge
  • Track is divided into evenly sized sectors

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Chapter 7 : Understanding Output
  • Describe the types of output
  • Explain the characteristics of various display devices
  • Describe the factors that affect the quality of an LCD monitor or LCD screen
  • Describe various ways to print
  • Differentiate between a nonimpact printer and an impact printer
  • Summarize the characteristics of ink-jet printers, photo printers, laser printers, multifunction peripherals, thermal printers, mobile printers, label and postage printers, and plotters and large-format printers
  • Describe the uses and characteristics of speakers, headphones, and earbuds
  • Identify the purpose and features of data projectors, interactive whiteboards, and force-feedback game controllers and tactile output
What is Output?
  • Output is data that has been processed into a useful form
  • An output device is any type of hardware component that conveys information to one or more people
What is Display Devices ?
  • A display device visually conveys text, graphics, and video information
  • A monitor is packaged as a separate peripheral
  • Liquid crystal display (LCD) uses a liquid compound to present information on a display device
  • The quality of an LCD monitor or LCD screen depends primarily on Resolution, Response time, Brightness, Dot pitch, Contrast ratio 
  • Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device
  • The graphics processing unit (GPU) controls the manipulation and display of graphics on a display device
  • LCD monitors use a digital signal and should plug into a DVI port, an HDMI port, or a DisplayPort
  • Plasma monitors are display devices that use gas plasma technology and offer screen sizes up to 150 inches
  • Televisions also are a good output device require a converter if you are connecting your computer to an analog television
  • Digital television (DTV) offers a crisper, higher-quality output
  • HDTV is the most advanced form of digital television
  • A CRT monitor is a desktop monitor that contains a cathode-ray tube
What is a Printer ?
  • A printer produces text and graphics on a physical medium
  • Printed information is called a hard copy, or printout
  • Landscape or portrait orientation
  • A nonimpact printer forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper without actually striking the paper
  • An ink-jet printer forms characters and graphics by spraying tiny drops of liquid ink onto a piece of paper
  • A photo printer produces color photo-lab-quality pictures
  • A multifunction peripheral (MFP) is a single device that prints, scans, copies, and in some cases, faxes
  • A thermal printer generates images by pushing electrically heated pins against the heat-sensitive paper
  • A mobile printer is a small, lightweight, battery-powered printer that allows a mobile user to print from a notebook computer, smart phone, or other mobile device
  • A label printer is a small printer that prints on adhesive-type material
  • Plotters are used to produce high-quality drawings
  • Large-format printers create photo-realistic quality color prints on a larger scale
  • Impact printers form characters and graphics on a piece of paper by striking a mechanism against an inked ribbon that physically contacts the paper
  • A dot-matrix printer produces printed images when tiny wire pins on a print head mechanism strike an inked ribbon
Chapter 6 : Understanding Input

  • Define input and differentiate among a program, command, and user response
  • Identify the keys and buttons commonly found on desktop computer keyboards, and describe how keyboards for mobile computers and devices differ from desktop computer keyboards
  • Describe different mouse types
  • Describe various types of touch screens and explain how a touch-sensitive pad works
  • Describe various types of pen input, and identify other types of input for smart phones
  • Summarize the purpose of various game controllers
  • Explain how resolution affects the quality of a picture captured on a digital camera
  • Describe the uses of voice recognition, Web cams, and video conferencing
  • Discuss how various scanners and reading devices work
  • Summarize the various biometric devices
  • Discuss how POS terminals, automated teller machines, and DVD kiosks work
  • Identify alternative input devices for physically challenged users
What is Input?
  • Input is any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer
  • Instructions can be entered into the computer in the form of programs, commands, and user responses
  • An input device is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer
What is a Keyboard?
  • A keyboard is an input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer
  • Most desktop computer keyboards have between 101 and 105 keys
  • Most desktop computer keyboards have a numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard
  • Most desktop computer keyboards have function keys, CTRL keys, ALT keys, and arrow keys
  • The insertion point, also known as the cursor, is a symbol on the screen that indicates where the next character you type will appear
  • An ergonomic keyboard has a design that reduces the chance of wrist and hand injuries
  • Ergonomics incorporates comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of the workplace
  • Keyboards on mobile devices typically are smaller and/or have fewer keys
  • Some phones have predictive text input, which saves time when entering text using the phone’s keypad
What is a Pointing Device?
  • A pointing device is an input device that allows a user to control a pointer on the screen
  • A pointer is a small symbol on the screen whose location and shape change as a user moves a pointing device
  • A mouse is a pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably
  • A mouse can be wired or wireless
What is Voice Device?
  • Voice input is the process of entering input by speaking into a microphone
  • Voice recognition is the computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words
  • Audio input is the process of entering any sound into the computer
  • Music production software allows users to record, compose, mix, and edit music and sounds
  • Video input is the process of capturing full-motion images and storing them on a computer’s storage medium
  • A Web cam is a type of digital video camera that enables a user to capture video and still images
  • A Web cam is a type of digital video camera that enables a user to send e-mail messages with video attachments
  • A Web cam is a type of digital video camera that enables a user to add live images to instant messages
  • A Web cam is a type of digital video camera that enables a user to broadcast live images over the Internet
  • A video conference is a meeting between two or more geographically separated people